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All Mosques Bank

All Mosques Bank

All Mosques Bank
Number Of Views : 365DetailsDonate Now
Bank of Feeding, dining and Superfluous Rites

Bank of Feeding, dining and Superfluous Rites

The Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) said: (O people Spread greeting and give food for eating, and pray at night while the people are asleep, so you'd ...
Number Of Views : 348DetailsDonate Now
the Bank of Water Supply

the Bank of Water Supply

The Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) said: (In every body with a wet liver a reward), narrated by Al Bukhari.
Number Of Views : 1508DetailsDonate Now
Bank of Aims & Deeds of Charity

Bank of Aims & Deeds of Charity

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: (He who occupies himself with the widow and the poverty-stricken person is like the fighter and struggler ...
Number Of Views : 350DetailsDonate Now
Islamic Cooperation Bank

Islamic Cooperation Bank

Islamic Cooperation Bank
Number Of Views : 373DetailsDonate Now
Bank of Orphan Guardianship

Bank of Orphan Guardianship

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: (I and the orphan' supporter will be in Paradise like that) and he pointed with his index finger and middl ...
Number Of Views : 1262DetailsDonate Now
Community Development Bank

Community Development Bank

Community Development Bank
Number Of Views : 397DetailsDonate Now
Healthcare Bank

Healthcare Bank

Healthcare Bank
Number Of Views : 362DetailsDonate Now