Substitution and Replacement: Exchange is the sale of an endowment property for an allowance of cash or objects. As for replacement, it is the purchase of another asset and making it an endowment with the allowance for which the endowment was sold.
Entry and removal: Entry is when someone who is not entitled to the endowment enters into the entitlement, or one of the beneficiaries comes out of the endowment and is not among those who are entitled to it.
Giving and deprivation: Giving is giving preference to some of those who are entitled to give for a specific period or permanently, and deprivation is withholding rent from some of the beneficiaries for a specific period or permanently.
Increase and decrease: the increase by increasing or decreasing the share of the beneficiaries in the endowment.
The change and alternation: is the right of the endowment to change the conditions stipulated in the endowment, and the alternation is the right of the endowment to change the method of benefiting from the endowment by being a residence for him to make it for rent.
Entitlement: Entitlement in the endowment is the assignment or allocation of a certain or unspecified amount of endowment yield for a waqf, and the recipient is the one who is entitled to it. The condition of the endowment must be followed in determining the receivable, the distribution of the yield, and the method of disbursement in the share of the person who dies.
Suspension: It is the death of beneficiaries in the Family (Children) endowment, such as Waqf on their children and they all die, and no one remains worthy of the rent, or the extinction of the beneficiary in the charitable endowment, such as Waqf on the poor of a certain country, so that no poor remain among them.
End of the endowment: the endowment of the endowment is his return to the endowment's possessing or his heirs, and the endowment ends with the end of its term if it is temporary with those who say that the waqf ends. Likewise, it ends in every share in it with the extinction of its people, and what the endowment ends in devolves to the endowment just as the Family endowment ends if all or some of its objects are destroyed.
Righteousness: the extension of benevolence to people, righteousness is a name that collects all good deeds and is called pure and permanent work. The jurists have stipulated that the one beneficiary should be a righteous party with which he draws closer to Allah and the reward is hoped for, and therefore it is not permissible to endure for sin.
10. Female Progenies: The jurists call the female children (female progenies) to the daughters and the (male progenies)are the sons, just as the progeny is called the offspring of the man. The first progeny is the sons and the second progeny is the grandsons/ granddaughter.
11. Perpetuation: means that the endowment is not temporary, with a specific term the endowment ends with it.
12. Waqf timetable: means that the waqf be determined for a specific period of time. If it expires, the endowment is deemed to have ended and the endowment will be returned to its ownership.
13. Donation: money or benefit to others without compensation for the purpose of righteousness and kindness, and endowment is one of the forms of donation.
14. Arrangement of classes: it is the arrangement of the endowment for entitlement of the beneficiaries in the endowment in ranks, each of which includes a group of beneficiaries, so that the entitlement does not transfer to those who are after them except with their death, as if the endower says (I make this Waqf on my children and then their children).
15. Suspension the endowment: eviction: disabling the endowed property when it becomes unfit to be used for the purpose for which it is held, such as if the housing around the mosque is abandoned and prayer is disrupted, and if the benefits of the endowed property are suspended, they are sold and bought in place of an endowment.
16. Responsibility of the Endower (Dhi'mma): the dhi'mma in the language: covenant and guarantee, and in the term: a description by which a person becomes worthy of what he has and what he owes. Capacity is the effect of the existence of Dhi'mma. Islamic jurisprudence considered the endower a legal person with an independent financial liability.
17. Withdrawal: Withdrawal in the endowment, he means that the Endower ends his endowment, cancels it, and returns it to his property.
18. Entity: The endowed property is intended by the endower. The endowment is often used in addition to goodness and general proximity, and this endowment is the unspecified one.
19. A share: the share in the language is the proportion of food, drink and land. The share in the endowment means the proportion of the recipient from the yield, and is estimated by the Endower.
20. Good Deeds: Goodness in language is against evil. Good deeds in language are a plural of goodness and they are virtuous of everything. Good deeds in the terminology of jurists are a comprehensive name for the general gates of righteousness.
21. Offspring: the offspring of a man is his children, including children of the Endower and his daughters and their offspring.
22. Revenue: in the language is the growth and increase, and it means the yield of the endowment resulting from its investment.
23. Vacancy: vacancy in the language is emptiness and eviction, and it is intended that the endower does not have an Administrator. It includes three cases:
- The Endower doesn't appoint an Administrator.
- Death of the Administrator.
- Dismissal of the Administrator.
24. The form of the endowment: The form of the endowment is an additional compound of two words: the form and the endowment. The form refers to the words and expressions by which the endower expresses his will in the endowment.
25. Classes: the class in the language is the order in arrangement, and in the terminology, class is given to the generation, that is, the people of the same time, as if the Endower said: My land is an endowed property given to my children.
26. Custom: is the stable habit upon which people act in their speech and dealings, and this is what is explained by the words of the endower and its conditions stipulated in the contract of the endowment.
27. Endowed Property: is the money that was endowed by the endower and put its yield on good, righteous and beneficial deeds.
28. Beneficiary from the Endowment: The beneficiary who deserves the rent from the endowment, and the beneficiary is one of the four pillars of the endowment, the formula - waqf –endowed property–the beneficiary, and it is required for the beneficiary to be a righteous party.
29. Waqf Administration: in the language is taken from consideration and also used in the sense of preservation and management. The Administrator is the one who undertakes the endowment. The endowment administration includes its renovation, maintenance and preservation so that it achieves the yield and also includes disbursement of the yield to the beneficiaries.
30. The Endower: is the person from whom the endowment was issued. The Endower is required to be eligible to donate by being a free, adult, sane Muslim.
31. A family endowment: is what the benefit is made in, starting with the relatives of the endower or on certain individuals. The Family endowment is said to be Children Endowment.
32. Charitable endowment: to one or more of the points of goodness, this is what was initially made on one of the areas of righteousness, such as the poor and mosques.
33. Joint Endowment: brings together a charitable and private endowment.