It is known that one of the rules of organizing science is that "the job creates the administrative body", and it is also evident that there is no development without change, and the waqf in the Islamic society provides the appropriate framework for the process of change related to the legal constants and provides a mechanism for mobilizing societal potentials - whether it is material capabilities or human abilities and specialized experiences - and employs it to serve the purposes of development, and this is the most prominent role of the waqf sector as a total institution for the community. This is clearly evident in the following main meanings:
- History has proven the great link between endowment and development. Most of the venerable developmental and civilizational actions that Islamic history recorded in its prosperous eras in various fields, the endowment was behind them with money, effort and expertise.
- Mobilizing material and human resources and expertise through endowment projects leads to rationalization of public spending so that the state's general budget resources can be directed according to the priorities of its main role while reducing the developmental burdens on it, not only in the field of rationalizing spending on services, but also in the area of rationalizing spending on managing Society affairs, it is not the rule for the state to implement all development processes in addition to securing all the needs of citizens and spending in full on providing the necessary services to them.
- The continuation of endowment development experience and accumulation of experience in its field leads to the development of the endowment institutions to be a system that enables the anticipation of crises. This can be achieved by making use of the popular and official experiences working in the endowment organizations in preparing perceptions of plans to confront crises before they arise, and to take the necessary arrangements to confront them far from Bureaucratic and red tape complications.
- The endowment provides a minimum level of financial stability for a number of important areas of social development, and protects them from the fluctuations of government funding that may be exposed to crises resulting from a lack of traditional revenues, or an increase in spending due to emergencies and crises, as well as private donations - which are a source of funding for some voluntary work - It may also be exposed to unfavorable conditions in times of economic crises and recession, and here the endowment is a protection umbrella and a safety barrier from these economic fluctuations and storms.
- The endowment provides an effective form of social insurance and an effective means to combat the extremism of consumer values, through the endowment saving for individuals who want to secure their offspring after them, so the endowment is one of the best types of life insurance policies for the benefit of offspring and parents, and it is an insurance policy that is not for a generation, but for successive generations, and no one can dispose of it or liquidate it as long as there are those who are entitled to its rent. Also, endowment saving for the benefit of children and offspring transforms surpluses of income into this noble purpose, and their owners avoid wasting them in the various types of consumption, which are very luxurious and extravagant.
- By encouraging individual endowment saving or community endowment saving to serve the development projects implemented by the various endowment funds, there will be a renewable and growing financial power that supports the country's economy, so the endowment's assets are nothing but permanent financial needs that continue to support the national economy, which is characteristic of developed societies in the contemporary world.
- The endowment effectively contributes to addressing the economic and social side effects of the privatization process, foremost of which are the problems of unemployment and energy surplus in the youth sector. It is not unnecessary that the problems of unemployment and leisure time among young people are not among the areas that attract private capital for investment. Therefore, endowment funds can take a major role in this field, to provide assistance, create job opportunities and targeted activities, sponsor craftsmen, and provide retraining and rehabilitation services.
- As for mobilization in the young Islamic community (in which young people occupy a large proportion), the endowment provides broad areas for the absorption of the material and human societal energies, foremost among which are the energies of youth, especially with regard to their enthusiasm for change and progress. The waqf sets the proper intellectual framework for their movement and activities, and fights for them. The values of selfishness and extreme consumerism, and light the way for them to become a positive driving force in society.